Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring (CM) is a process of monitoring the parameters of a device’s condition (e.g. vibration, temperature) to identify changes that may indicate developing damage. Thanks to Condition Monitoring, maintenance specialists are able to monitor an entire plant or production line, as well as a single machine or its component.

Constant access to information and the ability to actively monitor the condition of machines provided by CM is the next step in the development of companies that have given up on the unreliable maintenance strategies they had implemented so far. A preventive approach (execution of repairs according to the schedule) or a reactive approach (taking action when events occur) does not use the enormous potential of the data that is generated by machines, and therefore exposes companies to losses and limits knowledge about their assets.

The definitions describing Condition Monitoring clearly emphasize the relationship between CM and Predictive Maintenance (or PdM) – CM is one of the main components of Predictive Maintenance (PdM).

Pressure Reactor